1/11 - 1/12
That’s about it. I’ve run out of words. That happens on sea days. Just a lot of relaxing.
Our friends, the Kramers joined the cruise in LA. They are going to take two segments with us. Originally they only booked the first but decided to take the second in the last couple of weeks. All six of us have had several meals together.
We met some nice people from LA at the party at the Hotel there. They asked us to join them for dinner but we were already invited to the cruise director’s table tonight. We have arranged for them to have dinner with the Kapels and Kramers.
On our last cruise we had dinner at the tables of everyone from the head cleaner to the captain and everyone in between. This is our first invitation to dinner with someone from the ship.
Among others, there is a very interesting astronomer giving lectures. He is a great speaker and you would not believe the new stuff he is telling us. They found 3 more planets around the sun in the last month or so. They have come up with some fabulous new telescopes. They have come up with ways to eliminate the effect of the earth’s atmosphere when looking through a telescope. The old way to build telescopes was with a huge piece of glass that took a long time to cool and a longer time to grind. Now they can make them better with many small easy to make pieces of glass.
They gave the world cruisers more stuff. A log book, a world clock that does not have our present time zone and a gold plaque to hang on the outside of our suite door. It says this is the suite of Mr. and Mrs. Rootberg.
Dinner with the cruise director and his wife was very nice. There was just one other couple at the table. They were people from Orlando we had met earlier. Usually the dinners with the ship’s staff had been at tables of eight or more..
The entertainment tonight was a woman singer. She came out and did what sounded like someone choking a chicken and then butchered the song Georgia. We left and watched port talks and the news on TV.
Sounds like a pretty boring day. It was.
Snoring Sherman out.
(Posted on behalf of Sherman Rootberg)
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