Friday, January 06, 2006

1/6 at sea

If this is 1/6 we must be nowhere. Wait a minute, I’ll check. Yep, we are nowhere. Just a lot of water moving by out there. That’s what happens mostly on sea days. There is no wind at all but some swells are coming in from somewhere. Just enough to let you know you are at sea.

We have a lot of lectures and games and instructions and stuff available and if you want you can go to 14 or 15 different meals and places to eat. Anything from Danish to BBQ, full meals, sandwiches, salads, chocolates, or most anything you can think of. But of course, being on Bobbi’s Whisper Diet, I have no death wish, so eating is out of the question. She didn’t say anything about drinking though. All of the booze is included too.

I could go get really smashed and then pass out somewhere. That would be different. I haven’t done that in years. And a good barfing might be a good way to loose weight. Naaaaaaa. Kneeling in front of the porcelain god and spitting my guts out would hurt my knees and probably mess up another shirt. How about a nap? I’m really good at napping. I can snore really loud too. That’s it. I’ll go find some lecture or maybe the bridge class and sit down, snore loud, and annoy a bunch of people. That sounds like a fun day.

I did try it. It was no fun at all. These people have no class. No one said a thing or even dared to wake me. When I finally woke up everyone had left the computer class I was napping in. Something about XL. It put me right to sleep. The only one left was the instructor sitting in the outer computer room. He is French. I asked him why the other day. He said it wasn’t his fault. He couldn’t help it, so I try not to hold it against but I still find myself screwing up machines just to make him work at trying to fix them. He is really a nice guy and very helpful but he gave me one of those doody eating Frog grins as I left. So I’ll wipe out a few more hard drives next time I go in there.

The floor show tonight was great. It was ‘60s thru ‘80s songs. This is the best bunch of singers and dancers we have had on this line.

Tomorrow is Cabo San Lucas, or something like that. Haven’t been there since March. Talk to you from there tomorrow.

(Posted on behalf of Sherman Rootberg)


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